Alabama Abortion Clinic Shuts Down :: Abortion :: ProLifeBlogs

Alabama Abortion Clinic Shuts Down :: Abortion :: ProLifeBlogs
Summit Medical Center, the abortuary that has been killing children in Birmingham, Alabama for the past 24 years, has been shut down for good. ... The Alabama State Health Department walked into the doors of Summit Medical Center at 11:00am, Wednesday morning, May 17, 2006, and closed the doors of this horrific business forever.

.... Two department officials entered the building and, in a few short minutes, all the clientele began to leave. ....

Imagine that! Yay! Now for the background:
In February, 2006, a young lady had come to Summit Medical Center for an abortion. A sonogram was administered by a non-physician (against Alabama State Law) and she was told she was 6 weeks pregnant. In reality she was 8 months along.

There's professional skill for you. Unable to distinguish between a 6-week pregnancy and an eight month pregnancy!

A non-physician gave the woman RU 486, again, in violation of Alabama law.

Six days later, the woman was rushed to the emergency room, where she gave birth to a dead baby weighing 6 lb. 4 oz. baby. The Health Department was notified. Six weeks later, the health department shut Summit down.

Summit was, according to the 1991 Annual Report, a National Abortion Federation member facility. They're no longer listed as a member facility, but when the membership terminated or under what conditions I do not know. Summit is the facility where Malachy DeHenre performed the fatal abortion on Leigh Ann Alford in 2003. (Note that this wasn't enough to get the state to close the facility down, though the medical board did suspend DeHenre's license.

With the closing of Summit, the number of abortion mills in Birmingham is down to one, from five in 1994. And lo! The streets of Birmingham aren't littered with coathanger-impaled women. Operation Rescue also reports that 22 former abortion workers became Christians during that period. Praise God! Dozens more left the business and sought wholesome, productive employment.

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