Must be one of those antichoice places...

I found an abortion facility with a fascinating web page. Allow me to quote them:
Please beware of some unethical clinics that falsely claim to do surgical abortions at 3 weeks, which is definitely not safe to attempt, since the pregnancy cannot be seen at 3 weeks.

Why, to even intimate that some abortion facilities might be unethical! Clearly this is antichoice propaganda!
We use only sterilized surgical instruments and sterile, one-use-only, disposable plastic uterine curettes, unlike some unsanitary "bargain" clinics that reuse these curettes and do not practice safety, cleanliness, and sterility.

More lies! That never happens! We know it never happens because only an antichoicer would claim that responsible, courageous providers of vital women's reproductive health services would do such a thing!

They also say a lot that ought not need to be said:
We strive to maintain cleanliness and proper infection control and sterility in our private OB/GYN office.

Why would they need to say that?
All patients are treated with individualized, personalized care.

Rachel McNair once found an ad in a newspaper. This abortion clinic advertised, "Don't be herded like a cow." What other business has to reassure the customers that they'll not be treated like animals?

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