On this date: New York welcomed the Grim Reaper

New York Reflects on Historic Abortion Vote - Pro Life Views - 4/10/00

When the law permitting outpatient abortion-on-demand went into effect, New York abortionists were ready. Health officials were not.

The fallout wasn't pretty. With far more abortionists than officials to supervise them, the most egregious practices went unremarked. Saline abortions, which can be deadly to mothers even when performed in a hospital under careful monitoring, were being performed on an outpatient basis.

Other abortionists were doing hysterotomy abortions -- major surgery -- in their offices. Not surprisingly, women paid with their lives.

Let's look at some of the women who died for unfettered "choice":

Despite this dismal beginning, enthusiasm for legalization continued unabated in many circles. Bernard Nathanson had his staff at CRASH (Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health) compile their statistics on complications recorded in patient charts. Never mind that the charts were known to be incomplete and inaccurate; what mattered was 'proving' that freestanding clinics could do 'safe' abortions. Abortion enthusiasts used Nathanson's tainted numbers to convince the Supreme Court that the picture was rosy. The dead women, of course, were not deemed worthy of mention.

New York's chaotic, grim years of legalized pre-Roe abortion paved the way for the current regime of unsupervised, marginally regulated abortion mills and the carnage they produce.

And obviously nobody but their families, achromic, and a bunch of nutcase prolifers care if the women continue to die.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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