People were searching: Arnold Bickham, Eve Medical Clinic, Alberto Hodari, and Frederick Taussig

Somebody wanted Arnold Bickham (pictured). Or rather, wanted information about him. Other than being wanted by the police -- which he should be, for murdering Sophie McCoy -- Bickham isn't a very hot commodity in my humble opinion. Bickham's cheapskate refusal to pay for pathology reports at his Water Tower Reproductive Center contributed to the death of Sherry Emry. More on Bickham is available here.


Somebody was looking for Eve Medical Clinic. I don't know specifically about Eve Medical Clinic. The person might be looking for Eve Surgical Center, the abortion facility that gave Oriane Shevin the abortion drugs that killed her.


Someone else was looking for Alberto Hodari (pictured). He's another of those folks like Bickham that I'd lump in as one of America's Least Wanted. Hodari performed the fatal abortions on Tamia Russell and Chivon Williams. More on Hodari is available here.


Another search was for Frederick Taussig. Taussig is the source of the spurious claims of 5,000 to 10,000 maternal deaths a year from illegal abortions. Unlike those who followed him, Taussig had the honesty and decency to repudiate his own bogus numbers. But the damage had already been done.


Searches for fetuses of a particular age are popular. I would remind readers to click on The Visible Embryo link in the sidebar.

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